City Wide Prayer Rally is a registered charity. To support us financially, please make all cheques payable to City Wide Prayer Rally. Cash or cheque donations can be mailed to our office at:

City Wide Prayer Rally
3352 - 46 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2B 3J2


  1. Login to your online or mobile banking for your financial institution

  2. Under payments/transfers, click on INTERAC e-Transfer

  3. Enter your donation amount

  4. Complete the INTERAC e-Transfer profile, filling-in the name of the City Wide Prayer Rally. You must type exactly this name: City Wide Prayer Rally

    • Use Email Address:

    • Leave the “mobile number” blank, DO NOT enter a cell number

  5. In the Message box, to have your donation recorded for tax receipting purposes, you must include:

    • Your full name

    • Your full mailing address, including unit number and postal code

    • Optional, but preferred, your email and phone number

  6. Submit or confirm your transaction and print out your receipt for your records. You will get an official receipt in February next year for tax purposes, if you provide your full name and mailing address.

  7. If you have questions, please email Jodi Cushman, Admin for CWPR: