City Wide Prayer Rally is a quarterly gathering comprised of Christians of all nations, ages, and denominations.  Our desire is to see the people of God united in prayer for the coming of Jesus' Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.



ABOVE: Alison S., Margaret Graham, Becky Mensah, Lee Booth, and Shawn K.

Dave and Heather Peddie

David and Heather were called by the Lord to start CWPR in 2003.  It was a clear call from the Lord to seek Him, and to call for unity amongst the body of Christ.  They have served together as husband and wife for decades, and their hearts' desire is for prayer to become the DNA of every church--for God's will to be done in winning our city to the Lord.  David is also the founder and president of a major commercial roofing company in Calgary, while Heather is the head of Marketing and HR for that same company.


Willie Dueck

Pastor Willie Dueck is thankful to God for his wonderful wife Laura and their children. Together, they Pastor New Beginnings Family Church and have served in Calgary for over 30 years. Willie has a passion for unity in the city and has served on various Prayer initiatives and Ministerial associations. Many thanks to the great men and women in Calgary that have made a difference in his life.


Cathie serves at CWPR as the Virtual Assistant. As an 'adopted' Canadian from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), God has called Cathie to minister where she is planted. She has previously worked in Qatar, USA, South Africa and now in Canada.  Cathie's heart lies with working with other immigrants and sharing Christ wherever and with whomever, and living for Lord with passion.

Portrait Photo Credit: Dylan Hunt